REBIUN (the Spanish university system’s union catalogue)
REBECA MCU (union catalogue for major public libraries in Spain)
The Complete Works of Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
An online critical edition under the auspices of the University of Oviedo’s Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII.
Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
Edited by Álvaro Ruiz de la Peña, this site features a catalogue of Jovellanos’s works, studies, a biography, a chronology, and a collection of images.
Biblioteca Feijooniana
Under the general editorship of Inmaculada Urzainqui, this site features a catalogue of Feijoo’s works, a biography, a chronology, relevant links, and a collection of images.
Biblioteca Gregorio Mayans y Siscar
Jointly maintained by the Biblioteca Valenciana and the Hernando de Larramendi Foundation, this site features a critical edition of Mayans’s complete works, including his correspondence, and a biography.
Biblioteca Bodoni
This site is devoted to the study and promotion of the works of the typographer Giambattista Bodoni (1740-1813).
José Francisco de Isla
Edited by Joaquín Álvarez Barrientos, this site features a wide-ranging catalogue of Isla’s output as well as selected studies, links, images, a chronology, and a biography.
Diego de Torres Villarroel
Edited by Manuel María Pérez López, this site features a wide selection of materials on Torres Villarroel’s literary output, including critical studies, a bibliography, and images.
Vicente García de la Huerta
Edited by Juan Antonio Ríos Carratalá, this site features a selection of García de la Huerta’s most significant works, as well as many critical studies, bibliography, images, and relevant links.
Ramón de la Cruz
Edited by Mireille Coulon, this site features a catalogue of de la Cruz’s complete works, as well as a detailed presentation of his life, times, and output, with a particular emphasis on his career as an author of sainetes. Among the site’s other contents: a chronology, a bibliography, and selected critical studies.
Tomás de Iriarte
Edited by Jesús Pérez-Magallón, this site features Iriarte’s plays, his fables, his poetry, and his translations from Latin, as well manuscripts, audio recordings, and many critical studies.
Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro
Edited by Antoni Antonio Astorgano Abajo, this web site is devoted to the life and works of the exiled Jesuit Polygraph Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro.
Juan Meléndez Valdés
Edited by Emilio Palacios, this sites features Meléndez Valdés’s complete poetic works, as well as his output as a writer on literary, political, and legal topics.
Félix María de Samaniego
Edited by Emilio Palacios Fernández, this site features Samaniego’s complete works, a biography, a study of his works, a chronology, a bibliography, a collection of images, and reproductions of some of Samaniego’s manuscripts.
José Cadalso
Edited by Juan Antonio Ríos Carratalá, this site features Cadalso’s complete works.
Leandro Fernández de Moratín
Edited by Juan Antonio Ríos Carratalá, this site hosts an online edition of Moratín’s plays as produced, as well as his translations, his poetry, his satirical works, his travel writing, and his History of the Spanish Stage.
El tiempo de los modernos [Moderns’ Times]
A modern history blog edited jointly by Enrique Giménez López and Juan Llaneras, hosted by the University of Alicante.
La Constitución española de 1812 [Spain’s 1812 Constitution]
Edited by Ignacio Fernández Sarasola, this portal features a wide range of documents, including studies and bibliographies, bearing on Spain’s first enacted constitution.
La expulsión de los jesuitas de los dominios españoles [The Expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain and the Spanish Empire]
Edited by Enrique Giménez López, Inmaculada Fernández Arrillaga, and Carlos A. Martínez Tornero, this site features a wide range of resources—documents, historical studies, and bibliography—touching on the expulsion of the Company of Jesus from Spain and Latin America.
Biblioteca Virtual Andalucía , a digital collection of historical texts in and on Andalusia
Hemeroteca Digital de la Biblioteca Nacional, the BNE’s Digital Periodical Library.
Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica del Ministerio de Cultura, the Virtual Library of Historical Newspapers, hosted by Spain’s Ministry of Culture.
La bibliothèque de Voltaire (Gallica)
Dictionnaire de L’Académie Française – Quatrième Édition, 1762
Dictionnaire de L’Académie Française – Cinquième Édition, 1798
Encyclopédie (subscription required for access)
Jean-François Féraud’s Dictionaire critique de la langue française (1787)
Samuel Johnson’s A Dictionary of the English Language (1755)