SIGLO-XVIII is an email distribution list sponsored jointly by SEESXVIII, the Spanish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, and the Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII at the University of Oviedo. In operation since March 1997, it is currently coordinated by Inmaculada Urzainqui and Elena de Lorenzo, and hosted by REDIRIS, the Spanish academic and research network, is funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and provides advanced communication services to the scientific community and Spanish universities.
SIGLO-XVIII is designed to serve an open forum, a discussion group dealing with all matters relevant to the eighteenth century in Spain and Latin American from a multidisciplinary perspective. It allows subscribers to publicise courses, conferences, publications, and research initiatives, and makes for a fast and efficient way to exchange information and views and query fellow specialists.
SIGLO-XVIII is an open, unmoderated forum. Posts are normally in Spanish, though the list does not exclude posts in other languages.
If you would like to subscribe to SIGLO-XVIII, please send an email to The body of your message should read “subscribe SIGLO-XVIII” (without quotation marks) and the subject line should be left blank.
Only subscribers may post to the list. To post, send an email to All subscribers receive all SIGLO-XVIII posts by email.