The “Libros Dieciochistas” book series has been launched by the Spanish Society for Eighteenth-century Studies to help foster excellence in, and academic debate about, the field of eighteenth-century studies.
The series will feature works on history, literature, language, art, science, critical and social thought, or any other recognised scholarly field, so long as the work’s principal focus is Spain during the long eighteenth century (that is, the eighteenth century proper and adjacent periods). The editorial board will ensure that the series is both multidisciplinary and cohesive.
The series will include monographs, critical essays, critical editions, collections of documentary sources, and edited collections, among others. The series will not feature the proceedings of conferences or other scholarly events.
The series will be published in Spanish.
Each work published in the series will appear under contract and will not be subject to distribution, in whole or in part, without the express authorisation of the series editors.
Sitting members of the SEESSVIII executive will serve as the editorial board for the series. The board will meet twice yearly, at the time of executive meetings. The SEESXVIII president will also serve as chairman or chairwomen of the board. The post of secretary to the board will not be held by the SEESVIII secretary, however; and both authors and referees will deal with the editorial board secretary alone.
The editorial board will take decisions with regard to those submissions which have already been subject to peer review and will decide upon the order, periodicity, and conditions of publications, as it sees fit. Submissions received before the 15th of December in any given year will be taken up at the board’s first meeting in the following year, and those submitted between the 15th of December and the 15th of June, in the board’s second meeting.
The editorial board will name an advisory board made up of prestigious specialists active in relevant scholarly disciplines. Advisory board members may be members of the Society, though this is not a prerequisite. Advisory board members serve as peer reviewers, suggest other peer reviewers, and provide more general advice about series development. All communication regarding board business (other than that carried out at meetings) will be carried out via email.
Those interested in making a submission to the “Libros Dieciochistas” series should send their submission to the series secretary, Germán Labrador. Submissions should comprise the following documents:
1) The full text of the submission, understood to be original work, in a single strictly anonymous PDF file. The file must not contain any data which would allow the author to be identified on its cover page, in the body of the text, or in any of its metadata or file properties. Nor should the file feature any data which would allow the author’s institutional affiliation or membership in a research project or group to be deduced, as the file should be ready for referral to peer reviewers in unmodified form.
2) A submission form, available on the Society’s web site, featuring the author’s personal details and contact information. In cases of joint or collective authorship, the extent of each contributor’s responsibility for the submission should be specified; personal details should be included for each contributor; and one contributor should be designated as a contact person for the purposes of peer review and publication.
3) An abbreviated CV for each author, not exceeding two pages in length, specifying the author’s institutional affiliation, educational attainments, and most directly pertinent research output. Submissions must be original work and must not be under review for publication elsewhere. The author or authors will see to it that proper rights are secured, when necessary, for the reproduction of texts and images, under the author’s or authors’ own responsibility. Should plagiarism or any other violation of intellectual property rights be detected in a submission, the author or authors will assume any and all responsibility for this and costs arising therefrom.
The Society will publish a style sheet for submissions on its web page, covering both format and citations. No submission will be reviewed unless it complies with these norms.
The series secretary will acknowledge submissions and assess them for formal compliance with the norms for submission, returning any work not complying with the style sheet to the author or authors for revision. Submissions falling outside of the series’s scope or found not to meet the other guidelines for submission will not be considered for review or publication.
The editorial board will send submissions out to two respected scholars for peer review, in accordance with the double-blind standard. Referees may be members of the advisory board, though this is not a prerequisite. Peer reviewers’ reports will be handed in within two months of reception of the work under review and should not limit themselves to granting or withholding approval for inclusion in the series, but rather address the quality of the submission and its objective contributions to the field by means of a questionnaire to be published on the Society’s website. Reports should be written with clarity and civility in mind; should be strictly anonymous; and will be placed at the author’s or authors’ disposal at the end of the peer review process. In cases of fundamental disagreement between the two referees, the editorial board may see fit to commission a third, tie-breaking report.
The series secretary will notify authors of the board’s decision and, when appropriate, of the terms and conditions for publication. Within one month of acceptance, authors will be required to forward to the series secretary an MS Word for Windows file (or a file in any other, compatible format) reflecting those improvements and corrections mandated in the peer review process, ready for the publication process. Later in the process, authors will be given a chance to review and correct galley proofs without introducing any substantive changes in the text.
The series is open to scholars of any nationality or rank. Members of the editorial board will not be permitted to submit work for publication during their term of service, nor for one year afterwards. Any author whose work has been accepted for publication who is not a SEESXVIII member will be expected to join the Society before publication.